MHRA – Is it safe and effective?

The Perseus Group is a multidisciplinary team of experts from various fields including medicine, pharmaceutical regulation and safety management.

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is responsible for ensuring the safety and efficacy of medicines used in the UK. We have identified major failings in its safety management leading to serious safety issues with the Covid vaccines in particular but also medicines in general.

Our objective is to bring to this to the attention of politicians, policy makers and the media. Accordingly, we published a report in April 2023 and sent it to all MPs/Peers.

We received a Rule 9 request in October 2023 to provide written evidence to the Covid Inquiry (Module 4). Since then, the public hearings have been postponed until 2025. Of even greater concern is that the Inquiry announced on 22 May 2024 that it will not consider the safety and efficacy of the Covid vaccines; just the decision & approval process. The Perseus Group believes that it is not in the public interest to delay any further access to such expert evidence. We have therefore joined with other concerned groups to do make it public now here

Questions for MHRA

This is what MPs and the Media should be asking

Other Reports

We are working on other reports and evidence to the Covid Inquiry

Articles & Letters

We have written, and are aware of, some related articles and letters

References & Resources

We list some lesser known but very important references

“In the future, medicines, will come to market quicker with less data, with more research being conducted in the post-license phase.”

Sir Patrick Vallance (26 November 2014)

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